Iello 51170 - Re di New York (inglese)




Descrizioni del prodotto Descrizione del prodotto Nella città che non dorme mai, c'è sempre qualcosa da fare. Forse è la luce, forse è l'energia, forse sono gli enormi mostri che stanno cercando di distruggere la città. Preparati per il successore del bestseller King of Tokyo! Questa volta si tratta del re di New York. King of New York funziona secondo lo stesso principio del suo predecessore, King of Tokyo, ma contiene anche alcune nuove funzionalità che rendono il gioco ancora più vario ed emozionante. Abbatti edifici, sconfiggi eserciti e lascia che uno dei sei nuovi mostri diventi il ​​re di New York. Usa nuove opportunità per eliminare i tuoi avversari e diventare il mostro più potente di tutta New York. Avvertenze non adatto a bambini di età inferiore a 3 anni

EAN: 0760175511700

Categorie Giochi di società,

Descrizioni del prodotto Descrizione del prodotto Nella città che non dorme mai, c'è sempre qualcosa da fare. Forse è la luce, forse è l'energia, forse sono gli enormi mostri che stanno cercando di distruggere la città. Preparati per il successore del bestseller King of Tokyo! Questa volta si tratta del re di New York. King of New York funziona secondo lo stesso principio del suo predecessore, King of Tokyo, ma contiene anche alcune nuove funzionalità che rendono il gioco ancora più vario ed emozionante. Abbatti edifici, sconfiggi eserciti e lascia che uno dei sei nuovi mostri diventi il ​​re di New York. Usa nuove opportunità per eliminare i tuoi avversari e diventare il mostro più potente di tutta New York. Avvertenze non adatto a bambini di età inferiore a 3 anni
Altersspektrum (Beschreibung) Erwachsener
Amazon Bestseller-Rang Siehe Top 100 in Spielzeug
Anzahl der Player 6
Auslaufartikel (Produktion durch Hersteller eingestellt) Nein
Hersteller Iello
Label Iello
Material Karton
Modellnummer IEL51170
Produktabmessungen 25,4 x 25,4 x 6,99 cm; 1,04 Kilogramm
Thema Anime


8 Review
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Scritto da: Chantal
Fun, simple, and easy for new players to get into
The game relies heavily on luck (dice rolls), but there is enough strategy to tip the scales in favor of those will skill. The rules and mechanics are quite simple, so even when I play with people who are not very familiar with boardgames, they have no problem understanding/playing/enjoying after one or two plays. If you want a relatively simple game, with decent replayability, which is fun for boardgame enthusiasts and beginners alike, I'd recommend it!Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Florian Stange
Super Spiel
Ein Spiel wie als wenn man an der Konsole sitzt, abwechslungsreich, tolle Erweiterung, viel Spannung dabeiWeiterlesen
Scritto da: Lycaenini
Gibt dem Spiel neue Tiefe
Wir hatten bereits King of Tokio und uns auch King of New York gekauft. King of New York gibt dem Spiel mehr Tiefe und macht es komplexer. King of Tokio ist einsteigerfreundlich, King of New York bietet mehr Spaß für passionierte Spieler.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Ivan Lamadrid
Un Juego muy divertido
Un Juego muy fácil de aprender, para pasar horas de diversión con amigos o familiares, lo mejor es que no sabes de que manera ganarás el juego puesto que tienes muchas posibilidades y además puedes formar tu estrategia para ser el Rey de New York.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Jen
Original et fun, entre amis ou en famille, dès 7-8 ans
Un peu plus complexe que son frère King of Tokyo mais pas moins bon, et pas tout à fait pareil non plus. Ayant le King of Tokyo nous avions hésité à acheter la version New York, de peur qu'ils se ressemblent trop, au final nous jouons aux 2. Le King of New York est un peu plus long à mettre en place, pour cause il est un peu plus "stratégique" du fait des différents états sur lesquels sont placées des bases militaires (qui peuvent aussi bien donner des vies ou des étoiles qu'attaquer les monstres..). Un très bon titre pour jouer en famille ou entre amis, quelque soit l'âge (la dernière fois c'est notre 8 ans qui a gagné, et papa éliminé le 1er). Original et fun. Accessible dès 7-8 ans. Ici on adore.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Sagar K.
Part Strategy, Part Luck, But Fun
I would like to rate it 4.5 out of 5 And the rating will go in this manner - Shipping/Packaging(5/5) - Received it pretty soon from amazon, nothing extra to tell about their service. Board game box condition and inner parts (5/5) - Simply fantastic components. You will have to look and feel the components to know why it costs that much. This is no funskool manufactured products. Pricing(5/5) - I got it for 2000 which was provided by my favourite seller Toycra. I am not sure how they do it, but they provide discount on some of the imported products. Hats off to you guys and thanks for matching the price equal to that in US. Seller(5/5) - They are the best. Nothing more to say. Lastly about the board game(4/5) - I am not sure but I don't like this game as much as my friend does, not sure why. May be preferences. He has king of Tokyo and that I dont like even more. In king of New york you get some extras like breaking the building. Movement inside Manhattan(equivalent to Tokyo in King of Tokyo). And also the dice has been changed. There are no numbers. instead building breaking and other stuff. This is much better than King of Tokyo. Last works to buyers, If you like some strategy more luck and fun timepass with kids and family and sometimes your friends too, you should have this.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Adam Hopson
I was skeptic this version would be as easy to pick up as they say King of Tokyo ...
To be frank, I was skeptic this version would be as easy to pick up as they say King of Tokyo is. While I do not have troubles with board game rules, many of my friends like something simple with a little bit of depth as it goes on. I would like to write this to say that it was easy to pick up, even for my one friend who hears 6 rules and says it is too much and wants to quit. (Yes there are more than 6 rules, but they are so basic that they felt there was many options without being complicated) I have never played King of Tokyo so I can not compare, but reading other reviews brought me to purchase King of New York first and I am VERY glad that I did. I feel that there is more to do in this new "Expansion" (game is standalone) then what I have seen of King of Tokyo. My friends instantly loved the art style of the monsters and the "clever" names that came with them. I hope this encourages many to consider this purchase as I believe it is fun for adults and children alike. Something about being a large monster who can either terrorize new york or perhaps be its "hero" is appealing to all audiences.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Craig Hill
Not your same old monsters of Tokyo, but a whole new (awesome) King!
King of Tokyo has been one of the more played games in our rotation with friends and family of all ages for a few years now. When we heard King of New York was coming, we all hoped it would bring the same fun and not just be a re-hash of King of Tokyo. I'm delighted to say it's much more than that: it's honestly a step up, both in terms of complexity and strategy without losing the core elements of luck and dice. The card-buying via energy, healing, and attack dynamics are all familiar to King of Tokyo vets, but King of New York adds in several new components that improve on the game play and flow. Probably the most fun additions in our first several play-throughs have been the addition of the "ouch" and "celebrity" sides of the die, which can bring some much-needed table turning opportunities in the Superstar and Statue of Liberty. The building destroying dynamic was awkward at first but after a play-through everyone started to get the hang of using the buildings in your borough to your advantage--and if they weren't, to make sure you moved to a new borough after wreaking havoc or to avoid havoc being wreaked on you. The energy cards are all well-balanced and have some great stacking effects that can make every game totally unique on every play-through. Some of the cards seem innocuous enough and suddenly could make your quest to kingdom much easier. Every time you think you have a strategy that can work, the next game is totally different and that strategy might leave you high and dry. While luck is still a large component of the play with the rolling of the dice, there are many ways to get victory points or down other monsters, and the new dice components mean fewer dice without consequence at the end of a turn. No longer do you have two unused numbers at the end of a turn if you didn't complete your set, but you now can be destroying buildings or getting attached by units in the borough with those rolls. We bought a copy as a gift for two twelve year-olds and played three times this weekend; they quickly grasped the concepts after a play through and were excited to play again. While more complex than its predecessor, I'd say it's even more balanced, strategic, and yet still wonderfully random. Definitely worth checking out and every bit a party game that King of Tokyo is but it's also more than that: it's a wonderful game in its own right.Weiterlesen

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