Giochi Z-man, commercianti e costruttori di carcassonne, espansione del gioco da tavolo 2, dai 7 anni in su, 2-6 giocatori, 45 minuti di gioco

Brand:Z-Man Games



Figura d'azione.

EAN: 0681706786001

Categorie Giochi di società,

Figura d'azione.
Altersempfehlung des Herstellers ‎Ab 14 Jahren
Amazon Bestseller-Rang Nr. 411.534 in Spielzeug (Siehe Top 100 in Spielzeug) Nr. 13.714 in Brettspiele (Spielzeug)
Anzahl der Player 6
Anzahl Spieler ‎6
Anzahl Teile ‎1
Artikelgewicht ‎0,35 g
Auslaufartikel (Produktion durch Hersteller eingestellt) ‎Nein
Batterien inbegriffen ‎Nein
Batterien notwendig ‎Nein
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung 4,7 4,7 von 5 Sternen 711 Sternebewertungen 4,7 von 5 Sternen
Farbe ‎Black
Fernsteuerung enthalten ‎Nein
Genre Boardgames
Im Angebot von seit 22. September 2015
Marke Z-Man Games
Material Karton
Material ‎Karton
Modell ‎ZM7812
Modellnummer ‎ZM7812
Produktabmessungen ‎7,01 x 14 x 19 cm; 0,35 Gramm
Sprache: ‎Englisch
Thema City Building, Strategy
Zielgruppe ‎Unisex
Zusammenbau nötig ‎Nein


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Scritto da: A. Customer
Great expansion
This is a really fun expansion, it speeds up settlement building and adds some nice new features to keep the game fresh Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Leblanc Jean-Francois
toujours aussi bien
Carcassonne c'est le grand classique, facile a aborder de prime abord, on se rend vite compte que la stratégie est bien présente. très fun lors de soirée entre amis Weiterlesen
Scritto da: xBryMilx
A great expansion to an already great game!
I have played this game with both two and four players and it plays well with both. I have also added two expansions, Inns and Cathedrals and Traders and Builders. The base game itself is excellent and has a lot of replay value. It is among my more frequent go-to games. It is easy to teach to new people that are not familiar with gaming. The ability to add expansions is another great aspect of Carcassonne. Traders and Builders is an excellent expansion. It adds a few more twists to the game such as the potential to gain extra points at the end of the game by collecting resources gained throughout the game by helping your opponent complete a city. There is also and added meeple that provides an extra turn and a pig to add to your farmers. If you are looking to add one expansion and have narrowed it down to Traders and Builders and Inns and Cathedrals, I would go with Traders and Builders as it adds more of a twist to the game. Overall, both are good expansions. Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Alfonso
Aumenta la conpetición
Aunque la figura del constructor puede quedar de lado, el comercio puede cambiar mucho las puntuaciones finales del juego. Haciéndonos competir por cerrar ciertas ciudades no para puntuar por su tamaño, si no por sus posibilidades comerciales. Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Tanya
Great game. I bought this expansion pack with the ...
Great game. I bought this expansion pack with the original game after playing it at a friend's house and loving it. We have played with many different friends, as well as our kids. Children as young as 5 have had no problem figuring this game out. Weiterlesen

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