Solomagia nph carte da gioco di patrick neil harris e teoria11 - gioco di carte - trucchi di magia e magia




Descrizione prodotto Descrizione prodotto Un leggendario mazzo di carte da gioco premium che trasuda eleganza e raffinatezza, con la direzione artistica dell'attore hollywoodiano Neil Patrick Harris. Le carte da gioco NPH sono eleganti, intricate e visivamente sbalorditive. ogni aspetto è stato realizzato artigianalmente con un'attenzione incessante e impareggiabile ai dettagli. Come per ogni cosa, c'è più di quanto sembri: nel mazzo c'è un simbolismo segreto. guarda attentamente e potrai scoprire molto di più. Con una combinazione di influenze artistiche, le carte da gioco NPH sono un omaggio all'amore di Neil per il mistero, la magia, i giochi e il teatro. Per ogni acquisto di carte da gioco NPH, 1 dollaro va alla lotta contro l'AIDS (RED), che può fornire più di 3 giorni di farmaci salvavita contro l'HIV. ogni mazzo fa la differenza. ingredienti / ingredienti avvertenze magiche pericolo di soffocamento di più

EAN: 7426804431674

Categorie Giochi di carte,

mazzo di carte.
Altersklasse ‎Kind
Altersspektrum (Beschreibung) Kind
Amazon Bestseller-Rang Nr. 133.957 in Spielzeug (Siehe Top 100 in Spielzeug) Nr. 1.397 in Deckkartenspiele
Anzahl der Player 1
Auslaufartikel (Produktion durch Hersteller eingestellt) Nein
Batterien inbegriffen ‎Nein
Breite ‎0,8 Zoll
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung 4,7 4,7 von 5 Sternen 2.334 Sternebewertungen 4,7 von 5 Sternen
Eigenschaften ‎nicht zutreffend
enthaltene Komponenten ‎Spielkarten
Farbe ‎Schwarz
Gewicht ‎8 Unzen
Größe ‎Poker
Hersteller ‎Theory 11
Höhe ‎3,6 Zoll
Im Angebot von seit 6. Dezember 2016
Kategorie ‎Alle
Kompetenzniveau ‎No Skill Required
Länge ‎2,5 Zoll
Material Papier
Materialtyp ‎Papier
Modellnummer ‎NPH-DECK
Produktabmessungen ‎8,89 x 6,35 x 1,27 cm; 91 Gramm
Sport ‎Spielkarten
Stil ‎nicht zutreffend
Stückzahl ‎1
Thema nicht zutreffend


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Scritto da: Dirk H.
Empfehlung für jeden Karten- und Rätselliebhaber
Theory11 (Hersteller) hat mit diesem Deck bewiesen dass sie nach allen regeln der Kunst ausgezeichnete Kartendecks herstellen. Die Karten bleiben auch nach intensivem Handling über mehrere Wochen geschmeidig und das design ist eines der elegantesten meiner Sammlung. Perfekt für Zaubertricks, Cardistry oder für eine gemütliche Runde Poker Ein großer plus ist das integrierte Rätsel, welches sehr fordernd und teilweise sogar frustrierend ist. Somit ist es jedoch umso befriedigender wenn man zu der Lösung kommt.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Jonas B.
Ideal für Zauberer
Edles Design, angenehme Glätte und generell super Karten. Nutze sie hauptsächlich zum Zaubern.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: SiLeNcer
Wirklich klasse und total hochwertig was der gute neil da heraus gebracht hat. Sehr zu empfehlen bisher mein Liebling von dem hersteller.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Jens Ohland
Hochwertige, schöne Karten!
Die Verarbeitung der Karten ist hochwertig, machen optisch einen sehr sehr guten Eindruck, das Deck macht absolut was her. Ich freue mich schon darauf, damit zaubern zu dürfen! Must have.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Thomas
Hält was es verspricht
Erstklassiger Print, angenehmes finish. Flex der Karten gut getroffen, nicht zu hart nicht zu weich. Paket kam unversehrt bei mir an.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: ToniMaroni
Haben diese Karten einen Zauberer als Geschenk geschenkt und dieser war total begeistert, tolle sammel Karten Qualität ist auch super.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Emanuel Berndt
Für Magier und Sammler!
Eines meiner schönsten Decks in meiner Sammlung. Liegen einfach top in der Hand und sehen super aus. Dazu gibt's ein ordentliches Rätsel, was will man mehr? Ach und 1$gehen pro Deck direkt an die Krebshilfe ????Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Julie
wunderbares Design
Meine ersten "eigenen" und vor allem neuen Spielkarten. Sowohl Hülle als auch jede einzelne Bildkarte sehen einfach toll aus. Das Rätsel habe ich noch nicht geknackt :D Für Cardestry/Kartentricks evtl. am Anfang zu glatt/rutschig, bin aber selber Anfänger, liegt also auch sicher ein Stück daran definitiv zu empfehlenWeiterlesen
Scritto da: bif
These cards are epic
I thoroughly enjoyed every single thing about these cards from the moment I opened the box in which they came. They are gorgeous. The cards themselves are classic Art Deco in styling and have a really nice feel to them. The design is beautiful on both sides of the cards. The puzzle (yes, 100% there's a puzzle) amazing. So satisfying to solve. When I got stuck on level two and my husband had no interest in helping me out, I ordered a box and sent it directly to my brother-in-law and his wife so they could help me figure this out. I ended up figuring out where I was stuck before they got their set, but they were able to help when I got to level four. We both got stuck on different levels and were able to point each other in the right direction without giving anything crucial away. I highly recommend having at least one person to bounce ideas off while solving the puzzle. None of us wanted to search for online hints as we were afraid of inadvertently seeing more than we wanted to see! In the end, we both only needed one hint from each other. You can solve this! Don't give up! And NPH...I'll be waiting for more challenges...Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Ricardo Tornel
Muy buena baraja, desde el momento que la pones a la vista todos se sorprenden, cumplen su función y aparte tienen un misterio para resolver, en verdad vale la pena comprarlas sobre otras ediciones.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Salvador Ramon Anglada
Bonitas y calidad
Me gustaron, pero no le pongo 5 estrellas porque hay de mejoresWeiterlesen
Scritto da: Wolverdean
What a deck of cards! They feel amazing, look amazing, play amazing! Also I didn't even realise there is a puzzle in them! Yes an actual puzzle that requires Internet. It's a fun little extra that I had no idea about until I bought NPH's Box One from America. I completed that and got an e-mail congratulating me and asking if I had done the puzzle hidden in his deck of cards! Worth getting as its a beautiful deck that is more than a deck of cards!Weiterlesen
Scritto da: JustmeCindy
AMAZING! So much more than just an ordinary deck of cards!
Gorgeous, high quality cards!!! And what an amazing bonus the mysterious riddle was... My 19yr old son and I spent hours & hours wracking our brains, and finally cracked all the clues and solved the entire puzzle late into the night. Be warned - it is NOT easy and you’ll spend a lot of time just staring at the cards or off into space. Lol. The clues are not easily found and you have to have a computer and some good computer knowledge to get to the end. It’s SO worth all the brain power you have to put into it, as it turns out you will get something mailed to you once you solved all the puzzles! We can’t wait to see what it is!!! Edit: It took 6 months, but he got the reward... I can’t tell you what it was, since they ask us not to tell, but trust me, it is worth it!!! Edit #2: I spoke with someone else who has this deck and finished the riddle and it looks like they no longer offer the reward. Such a pity, but still a really nice deck!Weiterlesen

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