Brand: verdes. fabbricato in italia. prodotto di alta qualità.
Peso articolo
116 Chilogrammi
5 Review
5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star
1 Star
Scritto da: McBegbie
Great Play Frame
Bought this for our son who's definitely reached the stage where everything which is climbable must be climbed. It's a big set and takes a lot of assembly (I had to build on my own due to the current movement and social restrictions). It took about six hours in total and an electric screwdriver/drill is an absolute must. Our son loves it though an it's made spending time playing in the garden so much more fun. And my wife is planning a lot of additions to make it even more interactive.
Scritto da: AlexM
Schönes und robustes Spielhaus
Das Plum Discovery Spielhaus ist ein robustes Spielhaus aus qualitativ gutem KDI-Holz. Der Aufbau ist für Geübte nicht allzu schwierig, auch wenn die in der Anleitung angegebenen 4 Stunden etwas optimistisch sind. Realistischerweise sollte man einen ganzen Tag einplanen. Voraussetzung ist ein leistungsfähiger Akkuschrauber (um die 400 Holzschrauben unterschiedlicher Größe) und die übliche Heimwerkerausrüstung (Schraubendreher, Schraubenschlüssel, Hammer, Holzbohrer). Die Anleitung ist sehr gut, alle Holzteile sind mit einem Aufdruck nummeriert. Vor allem die kleinen Holzschrauben dürften qualitativ etwas besser sein, ansonsten gibt es aber nichts auszusetzen. Zu empfehlen! Ergänzung: inzwischen würde ich empfehlen, alle Schrauben im Baumarkt durch Spax oder andere Markenschauben zu ersetzen. Das spart nervige Reparaturen...
Scritto da: ines steinbach
Minderwertiges holz
Leider wurde bei diesem klettergerüst minderwertiges Holz genutzt was an vielen Stellen bricht wenn man eine schraube eindreht...schade...das ist den preis leider nicht wert
Scritto da: Jen-W-Blue
Good but
The delivery missed a few pieces but this was followed up very well by customer service. It is an expensive item but once built it's very sturdy. My boys love playing on it! It definitely takes 2 to build though, and several hours! But worth it in the end. The key is to set out all the pieces first and check them against the item list before you get started!
Scritto da: Sharne
Wonderful addition during lockdown
Easy to put together, great instructions, footprint and height not as overwhelming as I thought for our small yard but plenty big enough to provide physical challenge. Our 5 and (135cm tall) 7yo love it and will have many years enjoying this. Lots of nice accessories included. As others have said we left out a lot of the ramp pieces so it was more ladder like. The slide is surprisingly fast and quite steep so we placed a square of wood underneath, but given our kids are older this is a good thing.