Plaid ha accessori per giochi phg13000

Brand:Plaid Hat Games



Età: dai 14 anni. Tempo di gioco da 90 a 120 minuti circa per 3-5 giocatori.

EAN: 0793631319848

Categorie Giochi di società,

Età: dai 14 anni. Tempo di gioco da 90 a 120 minuti circa per 3-5 giocatori.
Altersempfehlung des Herstellers ‎Ab 14 Jahren
Amazon Bestseller-Rang Nr. 1.160.126 in Spielzeug (Siehe Top 100 in Spielzeug) Nr. 33.572 in Brettspiele (Spielzeug)
Anzahl der Player 3 - 5
Anzahl Spieler ‎3 - 5
Artikelgewicht ‎1,81 Kilograms
Auslaufartikel (Produktion durch Hersteller eingestellt) ‎Nein
Batterien ‎3 AA Batterien erforderlich.
Batterien inbegriffen ‎Nein
Batterien notwendig ‎Nein
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung 4,3 4,3 von 5 Sternen 515 Sternebewertungen 4,3 von 5 Sternen
Farbe ‎Mehrfarbig
Fernsteuerung enthalten ‎Nein
Genre Aktion & Geschicklichkeit
Im Angebot von seit 3. Mai 2016
Marke Plaid Hat Games
Material Karton
Material ‎Karton
Modell ‎PH1300
Modellnummer ‎PH1300
Produktabmessungen ‎30,48 x 7,62 x 39,37 cm; 1,81 Kilogramm
Sprache: ‎Englisch
Thema Geschichte
Zielgruppe ‎Kinder
Zusammenbau nötig ‎Nein


5 Review
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Scritto da: Goose
Fun. Suspenseful and engaging. Difficult to learn
Was nervous at first because obviously a lot is unknown about the game and the reviews are hit or miss. Pretty new to legacy games and engine building games but this one suits us well. About 4 rounds in and can’t wait to keep playing more and learning more about the game. Super fun. Great deal Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Roberto Aragón
Muy buen juego Legacy
Muy entretenido, genial para pasar un buen rato con los amigos, retador e interesante Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Ric
Gioco fantastico, occhio all'inglese
Questo gioco è davvero divertente e ben fatto. Le meccaniche Legacy lo rendono speciale, quando lo acquistate consideratelo un gioco "usa e getta" gran parte del divertimento consiste nel personalizzare gli elementi di gioco. Avrete bisogno di un gruppo di amici che si trova regolarmente a giocare, questo è il principale ostacolo in quanto il gioco si svolge sottoforma di campagna, di conseguenza continuerete la storia una partita dopo l'altra. Servono molte partite per terminarlo, inoltre consiglio di acquistarlo dividendo la spesa tra i giocatori e di tenere i forzieri con gli elementi che raccoglierete mano a mano di ricordo. È necessaria una conoscenza abbastanza buona della lingua inglese, il gioco non esiste in italiano. Sarebbe sufficiente una conoscenza base di inglese ma i tempi delle aprtite si dilaterebbero. Quindi assicuratevi che nel gruppo ci sia almeno una persona che lo conosce bene! Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Arius
Unique Legacy system game is fun and worthwhile
The basic plot of the game is that rival nations are exploring the seas and trying to create colonies and explore the ocean. Players engage in exploration, raiding, building, and trade (between the player and the game, not between players). The game has a "choose your own adventure" feel to it as you are given options when you succeed at exploration and some have better outcomes than others. The game balances the players between "games" by having whoever is ahead go last and those who are behind get boons based on how far behind they are. As the player who won four of five so far, I don't resent this admittedly artificial way of keeping play competitive. This game is one you really want to try to hit the player max of 5. I've been playing with 4 and it's excellent but fewer and I worry it wouldn't be worthwhile. This is my first exposure to the Legacy system and while overall something like this has one important flaw, I think the price on Amazon is worth it, considering how many hours you get out of it. After about 20 hours I *think* we're about a third of the way through. But after the first 4 hours of play I bought a couple of additional copies. The flaw is that you expend the game as you play it. I think you can mitigate some of the aspects of that flaw using card sleeves and tokens and so on, but really, the design decision to make this game expendable is probably the right one. To put the flaw in another way: If you want to play it again, you have to buy another copy. The game changes due to luck, player decisions, and what particular successes the players run into when. Different rules and events can get unlocked in different orders other copies of the game might experience. This has the effect of having graduated learning of the rules, making the game more accessible faster without feeling like you're playing a boring tutorial. The rules could use some clarification but otherwise, it's hard to talk in too much detail without spoiling some of the fun of discovering new rules and new features as you play. This might not be some peoples' cup of tea but I found it quite entertaining. If you can commit to keep playing the entire campaign, I think most people won't be disappointed with having expended the game in the process of playing it. After all, five people going to a 2 hour movie spend as much money for less than a 10th of the time in entertainment. Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Dalamardark
Juego muy original
Juego que entra dentro del formato "Legacy" que personalmente no me gusta nada, ya que no soy muy partidario de que un juego solo lo puedas pasártelo una vez. Quitando esto y que por el precio al que salió, unos 70 euros, nunca me lo hubiera comprado. Por menos de 30 euros si que merece la pena comprarlo y probar este tipo de juegos. Entretenido y te engancha la sensación de ir descubriendo cosas nuevas y abrir uno de esos seis cofres secretos de los que no sabes el contenido. Los componentes espectaculares, por 25 euros que me costó, todo un regalo. Si sigue a un precio parecido no lo dudes y pruébalo. Weiterlesen

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