File del caso misterioso di omicidio dei giochi universitari, omicidio a Mile High, 33284

Brand:Murder Mystery Party



Un gioco per giocatore singolo o multiplo per aspiranti detective dai 12 anni in su. Riesci a mettere insieme l'MMO: i mezzi, il movente e la possibilità di risolvere il crimine?. contiene 50 prove per risolvere il caso. Marisa Tower è stata uccisa durante un volo transatlantico notturno da San Francisco a Londra, riesci a trovare l'autore?. Riesci a risolvere i casi di omicidio alti un miglio?.

EAN: 0023332332847

Categorie Giochi di società,

Un gioco per giocatore singolo o multiplo per aspiranti detective dai 12 anni in su. Riesci a mettere insieme l'MMO: i mezzi, il movente e la possibilità di risolvere il crimine?. contiene 50 prove per risolvere il caso. Marisa Tower è stata uccisa durante un volo transatlantico notturno da San Francisco a Londra, riesci a trovare l'autore?. Riesci a risolvere i casi di omicidio alti un miglio?.
Altersempfehlung des Herstellers ‎Ab 12 Jahren
Altersspektrum (Beschreibung) Alter: ab 12 Jahren.
Amazon Bestseller-Rang Nr. 552.581 in Spielzeug (Siehe Top 100 in Spielzeug) Nr. 18.176 in Brettspiele (Spielzeug)
Anzahl der Player 1
Anzahl Spieler ‎1
Artikelgewicht ‎440 g
Batterien inbegriffen ‎Nein
Batterien notwendig ‎Nein
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung 4,3 4,3 von 5 Sternen 448 Sternebewertungen 4,3 von 5 Sternen
Farbe ‎Mehrfarbig
Im Angebot von seit 29. Juni 2021
Marke Murder Mystery Party
Material Papier
Material ‎Papier
Modell ‎33284
Modellnummer ‎33284
Produktabmessungen ‎29,21 x 4,45 x 22,86 cm; 440 Gramm
Sprache: ‎Englisch
Thema party
Zusammenbau nötig ‎Nein


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Scritto da: Amazon Customer
Too Poorly Made
The materials themselves look and feel fine, but there are a number of logical inconsistencies and issues with the design of the mystery.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Elvira
Tolles Material - wenig Spaß
Leider hat uns das Spiel trotz des tollen Materials (Fotos, Notizblock, Zeitungsausschnitte, ...) eher enttäuscht. Die Lösung war wenig überzeugend, es gab nicht viele gute Hinweise auf den Täter (im Prinzip nur einen) und selbst die Lösungshinweise auf der Website beachten uns nicht voran. Schade. Wir haben das Rätsel wohl gelöst und den Mörder gefunden, aber wirklich gefreut haben wir uns nicht mehr, nachdem wir (deutlich zu) lange mehrere Male das gesamte Material gesichtet haben in der Hoffnung, weitere Hinweise zu erhalten. Manche Materialien waren auch eher unnötig.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Sobre ação, nada!
Divertido e intrigante.
Para “investigar” com amigos!Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Sarah
Very fun if you like feeling like a detective and solving problems. Super detailed, need to read A LOT! Great for a group of friends or even just alone!Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Nicholas B.
Great for couples or small groups! Escape room kind of feel
These are a lot of fun but are best played with 1-4 or 5 players. You are provided a case file with pictures, testimonies, evidence, and more to try to solve a murder case. They create social media pages and websites relevant to the case so using the internet is recommended as long as you aren't looking up the answers. They also have options to get hints as well if you are stuck. It feels a lot like a table top escape room. Pros: - Good stories/cases - Lots of documents and evidence provided to go through; answers are not obvious - They usually take us 2-4 hours to finish so they are worth the cost for an entertainment night - You can start them, put it away, and come back to it at any time. Cons: - You can't replay a case once you know the answer. I highly suggest keeping the pieces neat and trading them with friends to try and get theirs from them when they are done. We did that and ultimately got all of the cases this company sells between my friend groupsWeiterlesen
Scritto da: grant bowman
Brilliant for any games night
Excellent quality really enjoyable to play with a group of friends and familyWeiterlesen
Scritto da: Mimi
We love these and so does the family. Perfect gift for those who have it all!Weiterlesen

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