Canna da barca Abu Garcia GT602, 13,6 kg, 1,8 m, nera singola




Manico in Eva con presa da combattimento. i suoi anelli. fibra di vetro nuda.

EAN: 0036282050136

Categorie Barche radiocomandate,

Manico in Eva con presa da combattimento. i suoi anelli. fibra di vetro nuda.
Aktion ‎Schnell
Altersklasse ‎Erwachsener
Amazon Bestseller-Rang Nr. 173.077 in Sport & Freizeit (Siehe Top 100 in Sport & Freizeit) Nr. 6 in Multi-Ruten
Angeltechnik Spinnen
Auslaufartikel (Produktion durch Hersteller eingestellt) Nein
Batterien inbegriffen ‎Nein
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung 4,1 4,1 von 5 Sternen 257 Sternebewertungen 4,1 von 5 Sternen
enthaltene Komponenten ‎Abu Garcia GT Boat
Farbe Schwarz
Farbe ‎Schwarz
Größe ‎Gt 602 Plus30lbs Boat
Handstellung ‎Ambidextrous
Hersteller ‎Pure Fishing
Im Angebot von seit 9. November 2010
Jahreszeit ‎Evergreen
Kategorie ‎Unisex-Adult
Länge ‎1,84 m
Material Fiberglas
Materialtyp ‎Fiberglas
Modellnummer ‎1196541
Produktabmessungen ‎96 x 7 x 4 cm; 333 Gramm
Sport ‎Fishing
Stil ‎Einzeln
Stückzahl 1
Stückzahl ‎1


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Scritto da: Andrés Martínez
Excelente calidad
Muy buena calidad Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Carlo Gattullo
Rapporto qualita prezzo molto valido
Ho provato la canna in barca, eccellente, un articolo molto valido. Weiterlesen
Scritto da: J. J. Clark
Very .Very Good Rod for this Price!
This is the second boat rod I have bought and that was because I was pleasantly surprised at how well it performed considering the low cost.My son used the first one to wreck fish and,although the largest fish caught to date was a four pound dogfish,it was certainly put under strain when my son foulhooked a WW2, 4,500 tons shipwreck!He had a thirty pounds' breaking strain line and the rod coped with some quite hard work.It is a well finished rod and the 6ft length is perfect for the Warrior 165 boat we use. Compared to another manufacturer's 30lb rod I bought on Amazon that failed (snapped,in fact,first time it caught the bottom - and with only a twenty pounds' line on the reel!),this Abu-Garcia rod performed flawlessly. I would certainly recommend this rod. Weiterlesen
Scritto da: M. S. Robins
Great value and quality
This is incredible value! It’s the perfect length and has the right balance of feel, bend and stiffness for boat fishing. Weiterlesen
Scritto da: José Luis V.
Caña para curricán y pesca a fondo
Es una caña para curricán y pesca a fondo bastante resistente y con buen acabado. Por su aspecto rígido creo que dará buen resultado en la pesca de depredadores y su solidez permitirá enfrentarse con éxito a los de mediano tamaño. El tiempo dirá qué duración tienen las anillas, en principio aparentan estar bien acabadas. Ya se ha contestado anteriormente que su longitud es de 180 cms, aun así lo menciono de nuevo. Viene acompañada de una funda de tela ligera. Creo que será un buen regalo para un buen amigo y pescador. Weiterlesen

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