Altri oggetti da collezione DC Injustice Aquaman vs. Black Adam Action Figure, confezione da 2

Brand:Diamond Select Toys



Aquaman vs. Black Adam: e se i nostri più grandi eroi diventassero la nostra più grande minaccia? Injustice: Gods Among Us porta un nuovo, audace franchise nel genere dei giochi di combattimento di Netherrealm Studios, creatori del gioco di combattimento definitivo Mortal Kombat. Con icone DC Comics come Batman, Cyborg, Flash, Freccia Verde, Joker, Lanterna Verde, Superman e Wonder Woman, l'ultimo titolo del pluripremiato studio presenta una storia originale. Eroi e cattivi si affrontano in epiche battaglie su vasta scala in un mondo in cui il confine tra il bene e il male è diventato sfumato. Con oltre 20 punti di articolazione, ogni figura è molto mobile. Contiene 2 action figure (ciascuna alta 4 pollici) con confezione in scatola con finestra con tridente

EAN: 0761941313917

Categorie Action figure,

Edizione limitata. Oltre 20 punti di articolazione per figura. replica i personaggi come visti nel gioco. selezionato: Aquaman contro Black Adam. basato sul gioco di combattimento di Realm Studios.
Altersempfehlung des Herstellers ‎Ab 14 Jahren
Anzahl Teile ‎2
Artikelgewicht ‎140 g
Auslaufartikel (Produktion durch Hersteller eingestellt) ‎Nein
Batterien inbegriffen ‎Nein
Batterien notwendig ‎Nein
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung 3,8 3,8 von 5 Sternen 89 Sternebewertungen 3,8 von 5 Sternen
Farbe ‎Schwarz
Im Angebot von seit 23. Juli 2013
Material ‎Harz
Modell ‎APR130270
Modellnummer ‎APR130270
Produktabmessungen ‎5,08 x 10,16 x 5,08 cm; 140 Gramm
Sprache: ‎Englisch
Zielgruppe ‎Unisex
Zusammenbau nötig ‎Nein


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Scritto da: sébastien serrault
La taille des figurines!
Vaut mieux le savoir, la taille des figurines ne dépasse pas les 10 cm en hauteur! En plus, elles ne sont meme pas fidèles (mon opinion!)! Moi qui m'attendais à recevoir ces deux figurines, mais plutot de 18/20 cm! Vous pouvez, imaginer ma déception! Vous voilà avertie, cordialement!Weiterlesen
Scritto da: JCruz
Two underrated, under utilized characters finally get awesome figures
Great, figures, love the detail, good articulation, a happy addition to my collection, the best part of the game has been the line of action figures.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Mr. Mitchel M. Pays
My son loves these (and I love that he loves them)Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Creator & Cognoscenti
Great sculpts, great poseability, but fragile
I can't say enough about how great these figures look out of the package. However, I think almost any child would be disappointed by their delicacy. The first time I moved Black Adam's right thigh, it instantly fell off at the hip. Since the ball was still intact in the pelvis, and the hole inside the top of the thigh was uncracked, I was was able to squeeze it back on. I found putting the leg in a fully straight position helped when reattaching. Squeezing the hip joint in while moving the hip seems to help. I can even pose the legs out to the side. I like to put these in different poses under different light and observe or even draw them, but I doubt they will hold up if held roughly or dropped. The paint is on par with the gorgeous sculpture, and the eyes are well aligned. I find the picture for the face of Black Adam looks thuggish, but in person he looks more like old silent film star Rudolph Valentino. Aquaman, to me, seems to resemble Buster Crabbe, and maybe a bit of a young James Arness around the jaw. Interesting that the sculptors might look that far back for influence. I measured both of them at exactly 3.75 inches.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: chanelle
One Star
Fell apart with in 2 mins very dissapontedWeiterlesen

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