Renegade Game Studios rgs00504 Renegade Games 504 - Fusibile

Brand:Renegade Game Studios



Descrizione del prodotto affrettatevi! il computer dice che hai solo 10 minuti per completare l'attività. la tua squadra ha quello che serve per risolvere le complessità delle bombe e disinnescarle tutte in tempo? faresti meglio a muoverti, perché questo gioco si autodistruggerà in 10 minuti... fuse è un gioco di dadi cooperativo in tempo reale per 2-5 giocatori in cui gli amici lavorano insieme per salvare rapidamente la loro nave dal disastro imminente! Sono state lanciate venti bombe rilevato a bordo e il computer della nave ha iniziato il conto alla rovescia. la tua squadra d'élite di disinnesco delle bombe (bdt) è stata chiamata in azione per neutralizzare la minaccia.

EAN: 0787799597866

Categorie Giochi di società,

è divertente, è semplice, è facile, è cooperativo. per me spunta molte categorie! -tom vasel, la torre dei dadi. lancia i dadi per disinnescare le bombe!. lavorate insieme rapidamente mentre l'app conta alla rovescia fino alla distruzione totale!. la tua squadra d'élite di disinnesco delle bombe (bdt) è stata chiamata in azione per neutralizzare la minaccia. Sono state rilevate venti bombe a bordo e il computer della nave ha iniziato il conto alla rovescia.
Altersempfehlung des Herstellers ‎Ab 13 Jahren
Altersspektrum (Beschreibung) Erwachsener
Amazon Bestseller-Rang Nr. 312.019 in Spielzeug (Siehe Top 100 in Spielzeug) Nr. 10.650 in Brettspiele (Spielzeug)
Anzahl der Player 2-5
Anzahl Spieler ‎2-5
Anzahl Teile ‎120
Artikelgewicht ‎340 g
Auslaufartikel (Produktion durch Hersteller eingestellt) ‎Nein
Batterien inbegriffen ‎Nein
Batterien notwendig ‎Nein
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung 4,8 4,8 von 5 Sternen 600 Sternebewertungen 4,8 von 5 Sternen
Farbe ‎Not Appliable
Fernsteuerung enthalten ‎Nein
Im Angebot von seit 16. November 2015
Lernziel ‎Koordination
Marke Renegade Game Studios
Material Karton
Material ‎Karton
Modell ‎RGS00504
Modellnummer ‎RGS00504
Produktabmessungen ‎15,24 x 22,86 x 1,27 cm; 340,19 Gramm
Sprache: ‎Englisch
Thema Action
Zielgruppe ‎Unisex
Zusammenbau nötig ‎Nein


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Scritto da: A. Spielebär
10, 9, 8,.......der Würfelcountdown läuft. Ihr müsst es schaffen....!!!
Fuse - Renegade Game Studios 10 Minuten Echtzeit um Bomben zu entschärfen. Der Countdown läuft mittels eines Timers. Fuse ist ein einfach zu erklärendes, schnell zu spielendes kooperatives Würfelspiel, welches einen hohen Aufforderungscharakter hat. Das Thema ist dabei nebensächlich. Der Countdown wird gestartet und ein Spieler zieht so viele Würfel aus dem Beutel wie Spieler mitspielen. Jeder Spieler muss, ich betone muss einen Würfel nehmen und auf eien seiner beiden Karten ablegen um diese Bomben zu entschärfen. Kann er dies nicht, weil der Würfel nicht passt, bekommt die Gruppe eine Bestrafung. Es müssen wieder bestimmte Würfel abgegeben werden, die bereits auf den Karten liegen. Hat man die richtigen Würfelkombinationen auf seine Karten ablegt, ist diese Bombe entschärft, dann holt man sich einen neuen Auftrag aus der Tischmitte. Wenn die Gruppe alle Aufgaben schafft gewinnt sie. Fuse hat verschiedene Schwierigkeitsstufen und garantiert daher auch ein Langzeitvergnügen. Man kann die Herausforderung Fuse auch allein spielen. Das einzige Manko, bisher existiert keine deutsche Regel für das Spiel. Die Karten sind völlig sprachneutral und die englische Regel ist einfach, klar und verständlich.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Lukas
Pure Spannung, großer Spaß, aber von den Zeiten her etwas anspruchsvoll.
Wenn entschärft werden muss, herrscht am Tisch großes Chaos. Es macht dann mächtig Spaß, mit allen zusammenzuarbeiten und zu versuchen, das Spiel gemeinsam zu besiegen. Leider haben wir die Erfahrung gemacht, dass die in der Beschreibung angegebenen Zeitangaben etwas anspruchsvoll sind und oft unmöglich erscheinen. Wir haben dann aber eigene Zielzeiten entwickelt und spielen danach. Macht genau so viel Spaß.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Spock-Fan
Erste Aufgabe eines Spiels ist, . . .
. . . es soll Spaß machen. Diese Forderung wird jedenfalls total erfüllt. (Ich spiele es ausschließlich solitär.)Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Alberto Jacob Rodríguez Alejandro
Este juego es perfecto para llenar de gritos la casa, pero de desesperación de la buena. Los dos primeros niveles de dificulta se pueden jugar con jugadores casuales, pero con dificultad mayor es necesaria verdadera organización. Lean bien las instrucciones.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Dareus
Gioco frenetico adatto a tutti
Una partita dura esattamente 10 minuti, con tanto di timer. C'è un'apposita applicazione ansiogena che scandisce il tempo (non è necessaria ma è fatta bene e crea atmosfera). Senza timer sarebbe semplicissimo, invece vi ritroverete a maledirvi a vicenda per gli errori causati dalla fretta e perché spesso vi mancherà tanto così per vincere. Un ottimo filler cooperativo, da avereWeiterlesen
Scritto da: Iván
Un juego muy divertido si te gusta estresarte... Importa la suerte y la rapidez. A todo el grupo que jugamos le gustó e incita a repetir una partida tras otra. Las reglas no están en español pero se consiguen con facilidad en la Red y es muy fácil de jugar. El paquete llegó bien y rápido.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Thomas Needham
Fun game for any age
I really don't know why this game is listed as "Children Game". This is fun for anyone. Short, intense, 10 minute cooperative game using the mechanic of resolving cards with dice like Star Trek Five Year Mission, Roll For It, Elder Sign, etc. On the complexity scale, it's pretty simple. There's more variety of card types than in Roll For It but less additional mechanics than Five Year Mission. (Elder sign is out on it's own) I do like that there are a few variations on how to setup the cards and so you can choose how much randomness is in your game as well as the difficulty level. Sometimes you can be lucky and just deal a deck with easy bombs but if you want something more consistent you can create a single deck of a specific complexity so multiple games in a row are consistent. You can also set out separate decks to let the players choose which level of card to take next. It adds a lot of replayability. The app could definitely use more work. The scorekeeping section needs an edit/delete option and some of the options don't seem to do anything when you change them. Looks like it was finished in a rush and never updated. But since it's not necessary for playing the game the main feature of acting like a timer with more of a theme than the regular stop-watch works fine so it's not a big problem. Overall I like it a lot. Quick to explain to new players, gets a bit of communication going and it's a fun starter to a game night before settling down for a longer game.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Smokey DeBear
Fast and Fun Gameplay
A cooperative game played with 1-5 players (although I have not tried it with 1 player) that has a hard cap at 10 minutes. Players work together to defuse a multitude of bomb cards by collecting sets of dice as they are rolled. Some bombs require easy combinations of dice to defuse, others require much more specific dice combos as well as some stacking into towers and pyramids to increase the difficulty. A player rolls dice and everyone grabs one that they can use to help defuse one of their two bomb cards in front of them. There are penalties for not being able to use every single die every turn, so it is imperative that you communicate with the other players. This continues around the table until the game's end. There are also cards in the center draw pile that make you discard dice from your bombs, making it more difficult to defuse them. You win by clearing out all of the bombs in the draw pile at the center of the table, you lose when the timer hits zero and the bombs blow your group into oblivion! It is played very quickly and frantically and can be a bit stressful at times, so if this type of game isn't for you stay away as you'll probably dislike it. The companion app is great as well, including 2 "voices" for the timer countdown, and a useful score calculator that saves your scores so you can compare your scores throughout all playthroughs. Overall great game, it always comes with me to game nights because it is so short and action packed that it frequently makes it onto the table. The only difficult portion of the game to understand is the symbology on the bombs. Learning what those symbols mean is important, but becomes second nature after a playthrough or two. Fuse is easy to understand and play, and most importantly fun! I definitely recommend this game. I've uploaded a few pictures so you can see what comes in the box. 3/8/16 Update: This game was recently awarded the "Major Fun" award - well deserved!Weiterlesen

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