Puzzle Eurographics 6000-0599, multicolore




Colori biodegradabili e di origine vegetale. vernice opaca antiriflesso. cartone speciale per puzzle. tecnologia smart-cut con forme delle parti uniche.

EAN: 0628136405997

Categorie Puzzle classici,

Colori biodegradabili e di origine vegetale. vernice opaca antiriflesso. cartone speciale per puzzle. tecnologia smart-cut con forme delle parti uniche.
Altersempfehlung des Herstellers ‎Ab 12 Jahren
Altersspektrum (Beschreibung) 144_months_to_1188_months
Amazon Bestseller-Rang Nr. 277.900 in Spielzeug (Siehe Top 100 in Spielzeug) Nr. 8.782 in Klassische Puzzles
Anzahl Teile ‎1000
Artikelgewicht ‎750 g
Auslaufartikel (Produktion durch Hersteller eingestellt) ‎Nein
Batterien inbegriffen ‎Nein
Batterien notwendig ‎Nein
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung 4,5 4,5 von 5 Sternen 127 Sternebewertungen 4,5 von 5 Sternen
Enthaltene Komponenten Puzzleteile
Farbe Mehrfarbig
Farbe ‎Mehrfarbig
Fernsteuerung enthalten ‎Nein
Im Angebot von Amazon.de seit 8. Februar 2014
Lehrziel Geschicklichkeit
Lernziel ‎Geschicklichkeit
Marke EuroGraphics
Material Karton
Material ‎Karton
Mindestalter des Herstellers (MONATEN) 144.0
Modell ‎6000-0599
Modellnummer ‎6000-0599
Produktabmessungen ‎48,9 x 67,31 x 0,25 cm; 750 Gramm
Puzzletyp Puzzle
Stückzahl 1000
Thema Biologisch
Zielgruppe ‎Unisex
Zusammenbau nötig ‎Nein


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Scritto da: R Roy
Exactly what I ordered.....
Looks great once completed Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Emily
Great gift
I got this puzzle for my mom as a Christmas gift, and she loved it. She fixes puzzles for relaxation, so she doesn't always like puzzles that are really difficult and have extremely similar pieces, and she found this teapot puzzle to be a great balance of a little challenging (due to number of pieces and similar colors) and relaxing (fairly easy to decide which pieces were for which teapot). All the pieces were in the box and its sturdiness was no different from other similar puzzles of this sort. Mom liked it so much that I'd consider buying the same brand with different images for her again in the future. Weiterlesen
Scritto da: T Waldron
Another Eurographics winner
Haven't finished it yet. At current rate of progress likely to be several more weeks. Great fun, chalenging and very stimulating which at my age is not very easyto do. Now have 20 of the puzzles with wide range of topics Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Pathy yeo
Puntualidad Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Kay Jones
I like teapots
I like teapots. Weiterlesen

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