I maghi Mattel volevano il gioco da tavolo fpd60

Brand:Mattel Games



Descrizioni del prodotto descrizione del prodotto Wizards Wanted è un gioco fantasy e di strategia per 2-4 giocatori dai 10 anni in su. Diventa il mago più famoso del regno lanciando incantesimi nei villaggi, rivendicando i sigilli reali nel palazzo e raccogliendo ciondoli folletti nelle stazioni di teletrasporto. Per muoversi e completare le fasi di azione, i maghi devono utilizzare la polvere magica ad ogni turno. Poiché la borsa di un mago può contenere un massimo di 100 unità di polvere magica, i giocatori devono recarsi al mercato della polvere magica durante il gioco, dove i prezzi fluttuano notevolmente. Devi rivendicare un sigillo reale prima di completare il gioco o verrai immediatamente eliminato dalla contesa per diventare il mago più famoso di tutto il paese! Puoi giocare al mago a diversi livelli di difficoltà strategica. Man mano che un giocatore diventa più avanzato, può personalizzare il gioco per sfidarlo. Alla fine del gioco vince il mago con più fama. Il gioco contiene tanti fantastici gettoni e gettoni come pedine del mago, folletti, monete, funghi, ciondoli e altro ancora! colori e decorazioni possono variare. Avvertenze non adatto a bambini di età inferiore a 36 mesi

EAN: 0887961491524

Categorie Giochi di società,

Diventa il mago più famoso del regno con abilità, strategia ed esecuzione di incantesimi e spettacoli di magia nel palazzo reale!.
Altersempfehlung des Herstellers ‎Ab 14 Jahren
Anzahl der Player 4
Anzahl Spieler ‎4
Anzahl Teile ‎1
Artikelgewicht ‎907 g
Auslaufartikel (Produktion durch Hersteller eingestellt) ‎Nein
Batterien inbegriffen ‎Nein
Batterien notwendig ‎Nein
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung 4,4 4,4 von 5 Sternen 231 Sternebewertungen 4,4 von 5 Sternen
Farbe Mehrfarbig
Farbe ‎Mehrfarbig
Fernsteuerung enthalten ‎Nein
Genre Aktionserstellung
Im Angebot von Amazon.de seit 6. Juli 2017
Marke Mattel Games
Material Karton
Material ‎Karton
Modell ‎FFN80
Modellnummer ‎FFN80
Produktabmessungen ‎7,3 x 29,53 x 29,53 cm; 907,18 Gramm
Zusammenbau nötig ‎Nein


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Scritto da: NGSpeaking
More for adults than kids, despite the theme
The box & the wizard fantasy theme give the impression this is for children, but there is so much going on in this game I would recommend it for teenagers & adults. The only luck involved is in the draw of the task cards - you then have so many choices of how to move around the board, which tasks to complete, when to apply for a 'wizard's licence' & when to cash in for 'pixie dust', that the best player will usually win. Plenty of fun & strategy for teens & grown-ups alike.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Cynthia
Great Boardgame for Beginners and Advanced Players
I am a huge boardgame buff and bought this game for my brother who is just starting to get into board games. I loved this game and plan on buying it for myself, it is fun and clever, as well as beautifully printed. Sturdiness & print job - 5/5 Everything looked bright, the gems that came with it were all the same color and look well made. The cards are sturdy, nothing was flimsy. This game comes with lots of tokens, cards, a board, player & characters. I was surprised by how detailed it all was. Ease of Learning - 4/5 This game takes a bit to learn, it has a lot of parts so it may not be the best board game to start on if you are new to board games. There are videos on youtube to help you learn it though, so this wasn't much of an issue. Over all Gameplay - 5/5 Once you learn how to play the game itself is lots of fun. I enjoyed it as someone who plays games often, and my siblings enjoyed it as people who don't play often. This game is fun and fast-paced, it has lots of parts but they all work together really well. The pixie dust wheel that controls the price of dust was my favorite part.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Brandon
buena compra
llego el juego de mesa golpeado pero lo acepte pero en si el juego es muy divertidoWeiterlesen
Scritto da: mike
2020年5月上旬時点でアマゾン価格が1,500円という どう考えてもおかしい値段(良い意味で!) 私が購入した時は2,500円くらいだったと思います。 それでも、丁寧に作られたコマ、 タイル、イラストなどコスパはすごいです。 彩りも鮮やかでワクワクします。 大手玩具メーカーが作るとこの価格で販売できるのかとびっくりします。 内容は、子供向けと見せかけて がっつりとしたリソースマネジメントです。 どのタイミングで自分の持っている資源(ピクシートークン)を消費していくのか を考える必要があります。 またキャラクターごとの特徴はほぼないですが、 RPG要素のようにパワーアップもしていきます。 といろいろやることがありますので 子供向けと見せかけて 実は大人向けです。 しかし、ボードゲームになれた大人にとってはもう少し 要素があってもよいかなと感じる ちょっともったいない作品でもあります。 あと、説明書があまりに説明不足です。 きのこの置き方など、もうすこし説明してください…Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Lorin
One of my favorites!!
Once you get the hang of it it’s a super fun game! I played once and already knew how to play so it’s pretty easy to learn. While your playing though, definitely have the instructions close. A little bit of trial and error as me and my sister forgot about the mushrooms completely and didn’t quite understand how they were placed. Turns out the spell job cards have numbers on the back and after taking one out of play you put a mushroom token on the space number that shows on the other side of the spell job card. I read the reviews and decided to buy this game, I was a little skeptical upon opening the box as it seemed a little difficult. However me and my sister both enjoyed it very much! One of our favorites for sure. I can’t wait to make my other family members play with us. High quality game pieces, everything is well made and sturdy. Every piece fits back into the box in designated areas. Highly recommend this game!! I did originally try to play with my 5 year old son but it was way too hard for him to understand. A10 year old would definitely understand, like the game suggests. LOVE LOVE LOVE this game.Weiterlesen

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