Giochi di volo fantasy mainframe Android

Brand:Fantasy Flight Games



Descrizioni del prodotto Descrizione del prodotto Il mainframe della Titan Transnational Bank è stato isolato. I loro protocolli di sicurezza sono stati disabilitati e i sistemi sono spenti. Hai 23 secondi per usare la porta del bracconiere prima che la sicurezza venga riattivata. prendi quello che puoi -naga8946. corsa veloce. Big Score Android: Mainframe è un gioco frenetico di criminalità futuristica e dominazione informatica per due o quattro giocatori. Sei un corridore, un criminale informatico d'élite in grado di hackerare facilmente i server aziendali. Quando ricevi una notifica che i protocolli di sicurezza di Titan Transnational Bank sono stati disabilitati, sai che è ora di andare al lavoro. Tuttavia, scoprirai presto che non sei l'unico corridore che ha ricevuto l'avviso, e non sei l'unico corridore che vuole prelevare denaro e dati dai server Titan. Una cosa è il taglio e la maglia della sicurezza aziendale. La questione è completamente diversa per i corridori rivali. puoi farlo? Su Android: Mainframe, tu e i tuoi amici competete per controllare i vari nodi Titan. Imposta i tuoi punti di accesso, instrada i percorsi dati e proteggi il maggior numero possibile di nodi Titan. Alla fine vince il corridore che ha percorso la distanza maggiore Avvertenze non adatte a bambini di età inferiore a 3 anni

EAN: 0841333101343

Categorie Giochi di società,

30 minuti di gioco. età 14+. Quando ricevi un avviso che i protocolli di sicurezza di Titan Cross-Border Bank sono stati disabilitati, sai che è ora di andare al lavoro. Sei un corridore in grado di essere un criminale informatico d'élite che hackera facilmente i server. correre veloce. segnare alla grande. Android: Mainframe è un gioco frenetico di criminalità futuristica e dominazione informatica per due o quattro giocatori.
Altersempfehlung des Herstellers ‎Ab 14 Jahren
Anzahl der Player 2 to 4 players
Anzahl Spieler ‎2 to 4 players
Artikelgewicht ‎340 g
Auslaufartikel (Produktion durch Hersteller eingestellt) ‎Nein
Batterien inbegriffen ‎Nein
Batterien notwendig ‎Nein
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung 4,3 4,3 von 5 Sternen 50 Sternebewertungen 4,3 von 5 Sternen
Farbe Mehrfarbig
Farbe ‎Mehrfarbig
Fernsteuerung enthalten ‎Nein
Genre Aktion & Geschicklichkeit
Im Angebot von seit 25. Februar 2016
Marke Fantasy Flight Games
Modell ‎AD02
Modellnummer ‎AD02
Produktabmessungen ‎25,4 x 25,4 x 5,08 cm; 340,19 Gramm
Sprache: ‎Englisch
Thema Fantasie
Zusammenbau nötig ‎Nein


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Scritto da: Bjoern
Abstraktes Hacken im Cyberspace
Android Mainframe ist nach Android und Andorid Netrunner ein weiteres Brettspiel in Fantasy Flight Games Android Universum. In diesem Sci-fi Universum kämpfen Hacker gegen Konzerne. In Mainframe gilt es, sich als einer von sechs Hackern in das Sicherheitssystem einer Bank zu Hacken. Ablauf: 2-4 Spieler wählen einen von sechs Charakteren mit jeweils 3 von 5 individuellen Programmen (Spezialkarten). Von den allgemeinen Programmen (Karten) werden vier ausgelegt, später wird dann immer wieder auf vier nachgezogen. Diese zeigen an, welche Partitionen (kleine, blaue Stäbchen) die Spieler auf das Spielfeld legen können. Legen können sie diese immer an Zugangspunkte (jeder Spieler hat 8 dieser Plättchen, eines legen die Spieler am Anfang auf eine beliebige Stelle des Spielplans). Nun wird abwechselnd eine Karte gezogen oder von der Hand gespielt. Alternativ legt man einen weiteren Zugangspunkt (Plättchen). Ziel ist es, dass die eigenen Plättchen von Partitionen (also den blauen Stäbchen) umgeben sind. Je nachdem wie viele Plättchen und wie viel Platz man eingezäunt hat, erhält man am Ende des Spiels Punkte. Doch Achtung! Umschlossene Bereiche des Spielplans geben nur dann Punkte, wenn sie mit eigenen Plättchen gefüllt sind. Befindet sich ein Gegner in diesem Bereich kann diese Zone weiter verkleinert werden, was euch am Ende Punkte kostet. Sogar das vertauschen von Plättchen ist durch Karten möglich. Wenn alle Karten vom Nachziehstapel aufgebraucht sind oder keine Partitionen regelkonform angelegt werden können ist das Spiel zu Ende und wer die meisten Punkte hat gewinnt. Android Mainframe dürfte für Fans der Reihe thematisch eher enttäuschend sein. Hier legen wir recht abstrakt Stäbchen und Plättchen auf den Spielplan, spielen die ein oder andere „Ärgerkarte“ aus und versuchen möglichst viele Kästchen mit unseren Zugangspunkten zu füllen. Das erinnert eher an das gute alte Käsekästchen anstatt einen Wettlauf unter Hackern. Was Android Mainframe aber dann doch rettet, ist die taktische Komponente in Kombination mit den Charakter Karten bzw. der Unberechenbarkeit der Gegner. Ich kann mir einen Plan zurecht gelegt haben, meine Gegner können diese aber durch geschicktes ausnutzen der Programmkarten zunichte machen. Gemischt mit der angenehm kurzen Spieldauer von 15-20 Minuten und den simplen Regeln kann Mainframe als „Füller“ oder „Absacker“ empfohlen werden. Wer ein abendfüllendes, thematisches Spiel sucht ist hier aber falsch.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Sonnenkind
Leider nicht was ich erwartet habe
Das Spiel haelt nicht was die Beschreibung verspricht.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: John Barron
Fun, engaging, accessible game for casual play with friends
I realize people look for different levels of complexity, strategy, theme, etc. in their board games. Personally I mostly play board games for casual, low-key fun with rotating groups of friends, and I found Android: Mainframe was just about exactly what I was looking for: - Easy to learn, you can teach a 10yo how to play in 5 minutes, and even a newbie has a decent chance of winning - Gameplay has enough strategy to be interesting and satisfying to win, but enough chaos that it's hard for a good player to dominate, and losing doesn't sting very much - There's a natural tendency for everyone else to screw over whoever is winning, so games are usually competitive and even someone who's losing can still affect the outcome - Takes 30-45 minutes to set up and play, so not a huge time commitment and you can play a few games back to back if you want - Turns go quickly so everyone stays engaged - The different character cards add quite a bit of variety across games - Genuinely works well with anywhere from 2-4 players, unlike some games that technically allow 2 players but really require 4 to be fun - Lots of player interaction, many of the moves involve either screwing an opponent to help yourself or helping both yourself and an opponent, so you get lots of good socializing during gameplay - The cyberpunk theme adds some nice visual pizzazz, but isn't so instrumental to the game as to turn off people who aren't interested in that stuff It's not a super deep or cerebral game for people who want to push their strategic chops to the limit, and it's not a heavily thematic game for people who want an immersive adventure, but if you're looking for a fun game you can break out when you have friends over and quickly have everybody laughing and cursing each others' trickery, Android: Mainframe is an excellent buy.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Consu
Muy divertido.
Como todos los juegos abstractos (4 en raya, damas, reversi) es sencillo de aprender y explicar. Visualmente es muy atractivo, por el contraste del tablero de plástico negro y los palitos azul vivo. El arte de las tarjetas de personaje es hermoso. Es un juego donde si no puedes ganar, tienes que hacer perder al otro. Sólo el instructivo y las cartas especiales del color de jugador (5 por cada uno) están en inglés. Sin embargo, éstas últimas confieren "ventajas" y por estrategia deben mantenerse en secreto (pues se reciben 3 al azar). Por lo que si se quiere jugar con personas que no hablan inglés recomiendo comprar fundas/micas para las cartas y ponerles un papelito con la traducción. O, jugar como en la versión original, sin ellas. No obstante, si no se opta por no usarlas se pierde la oportunidad de sorprender a los oponentes y darle aún más sabor al juego. En nuestro grupo (de 4) optamos por quitar la regla de descartar una carta del mazo al poner un punto de acceso (ficha de personaje), porque de seguirla el juego se acorta notablemente y no da oportunidad de hacer mucho.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Phil Allen
Great game.
This is a really clever game, a bit like a slightly more complex version of the pen and paper game “squares”. Don’t be put off by the far fetched futuristic theme. My wife looked at it and thought it seemed a bit geeky but loves the game now and just ignores the theme!Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Strategos
Qix Meets Onitama
I'm not usually fond of abstract games, but this one is more solid than I expected. It actually sat unplayed on my shelf for three years because when I read the rules it sounded boring. Then today for the first time I gave it a try... Ever play the old computer game Qix? You have a line that you move around a screen trying to "capture" as much of the screen as possible without getting intercepted. Well here you're kinda doing the same thing. You are trying to "capture" territory by placing tokens, and then sticks around it. It's pretty simple. Once you capture space no one can do a thing about it, but until it is "captured" people can move borders around, swap pieces, move pieces, etc using the Runner Deck (three cards). That's where the game gets an "Onitama" feel. You have shared pieces that show what you can place, and you keep placing pieces and discarding cards till you run out of cards. There's a LOT of randomness in this, and in reality that's not too bad a thing since it makes the game completely tactical with no real strategy other than not to have too much of a strategy other than "be flexible". There's so much "take that" it's more like tug-of-war. Either you will like that or hate it. The regular cards have okay artwork, but the player cards have BEAUTIFUL artwork. It's a little sad because it feels like something cool was tacked onto something basic, and the theme doesn't REALLY make sense, but the game is still fun. I wish this was a game where every player had their own deck of cards and every deck had amazing artwork, but if you want that I'm afraid you'll just have to play Netrunner. If you kinda sorta like abstract games but like the universe of Android a LOT, this game might be for you.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: N. Christensen
A virtual knife fight in a cyberpunk phone booth
As a fan of abstract games, Mainframe was a pleasant surprise. It is easy to teach, and highly competitive. Much more tactical than strategic, especially with more than two players. Any attempt to set up a big score is going to get messed with, and you'll be doing the same to other players. The basic turn involves drafting a card that allows you to place barriers in particular arrangements onto the board in an effort to enclose your own access points. Other cards let you move/swap access points of any players to try and gain exclusive control and lock down the nodes for yourself. The game ends when the deck of cards runs out, or there are no more legal moves. This is a decent design on its own, but the the runner cards add a fun cyberpunk flavor. Five unique runners each have a themed deck of five cards, but can only start the game with three of them at random. These are all one-time use, and offer powerful game-hacks that should be timed for maximum effect. Even after multiple plays and knowing how your opponents' runners can generally affect the game, you still don't know exactly which cards they started the game with, nor does it really matter, since you can only respond or take advantage of whatever the board looks like on your own turns. For a tactical conflict game that plays in about 40 minutes, Mainframe is a great choice, and an easy recommendation for fans of the cyber-dystopian theme.Weiterlesen

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