Folkmanis 3069 burattino drago




Descrizione del prodotto descrizione del prodotto burattino a mano folkmanis drago nero il potente burattino a mano drago nero folkmanis sorge dall'ombra. Progettata in modo elaborato fin nei minimi dettagli, con occhi ipnotici e pelle di rettile, questa creatura leggendaria prende vita attraverso i movimenti della bocca, della lingua biforcuta e delle braccia. Tira la fascia in basso e lascia che l'impressionante apertura alare ispiri la tua immaginazione! giocabili: bocca, lingua, braccia e ali. Tirare la corda in basso per muovere le ali. Lunghezza: 61 cm, larghezza: 61 cm, altezza: 58 cm Avvertenze non per bambini di età inferiore a 3 anni!

EAN: 0638348030696

Categorie Pupazzetti,

Compagno di giochi fantastico.
Altersempfehlung des Herstellers ‎Ab 3 Jahren
Amazon Bestseller-Rang Nr. 731.643 in Spielzeug (Siehe Top 100 in Spielzeug) Nr. 1.574 in Handpuppen
Anzahl Teile ‎1
Artikelgewicht ‎435 g
Auslaufartikel (Produktion durch Hersteller eingestellt) ‎Nein
Batterien inbegriffen ‎Nein
Batterien notwendig ‎Nein
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung 4,7 4,7 von 5 Sternen 64 Sternebewertungen 4,7 von 5 Sternen
Farbe ‎Schwarz
Fernsteuerung enthalten ‎Nein
Im Angebot von seit 30. März 2016
Material ‎Plüsch
Modell ‎3069
Modellnummer ‎3069
Produktabmessungen ‎60,96 x 58,42 x 60,96 cm; 435,45 Gramm
Sprache: ‎Englisch
Zusammenbau nötig ‎Nein


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Scritto da: Thomas
Diese Handpuppe ist ein Meisterwerk
Folkmanis Handpuppen begleiten mich schon seit Kindheit und Jugend. Kein anderer handpuppen Hersteller geht mit so viel Leidenschaft und Einfallsreichtum ans Werk. Mit dem schwarzen Drachen haben sie eine weitere tolle Puppe im Sortiment. Ich arbeite in einem Mittelalter Restaurant, und für Unterhaltungszwecke nutze ich die Puppe dort. Ob als Gäste Schreck oder zur Belustigung von Kindern, der Drache ( *Magnus der Zweite* hab ich ihn genannt) ist zum Star im Hause geworden. Eine Erwachsenenhand ist in der Lage, Zunge und Hände zu bewegen. Und mit dem Zugseil am Rücken lassen sich die Flügel spannen, bieten sonst aber auch genug Spielraum um Flügelflattern zu imitieren. Wer seinem Kind ein besonderes Geschenk machen will, dass viel Liebe und viel Spaß ins Haus bringt (und das Generationen übergreifend) wird den Kauf dieser tollen Handpuppe keineswegs bereuen. Weiterlesen
Scritto da: A. AMO
Realistic baby dragon.
We were looking for a realistic dragon hatchling that did not have a mechanism. This little dragon is the size of a baby dragon. The face is very nice. It weighs quite a bit and has a rounded and soft body. It is possible to hug him, put him to bed, feed him, give him a bottle... The details are amazing. Both the teeth and the nails are made of a different material from the rest of the body. His beautiful face looks real. We had doubts between the black dragon and the blue dragon of the same brand. We decided on the black one because the position of the legs is neutral (the blue one has his legs drawn up, in a flying position) and because his face is much sweeter than the blue dragon's. The detail of the wings and that it can unfold them is stunning. The price may seem high, but when compared to the typical mechanical dragon it is not, and this little guy offers much more. Weiterlesen
Scritto da: A S Blackmore
Awesome quality
Bought this for my daughter and while this appears expensive, its a work of art. She has had this for a good six months and still as good as new. Great product, bought other Folkmanis puppets since and all appear high quality. Don't mind paying these prices if they last and continue to work as good as new. Weiterlesen
Scritto da: The Termagant
The Dragon Wins
Great addition to my family of dragon puppets. Fits an adult hand beautifully, but might be more difficult for a small child. The ability to move the wings gives the puppet a different dimension and makes him come alive. Folkmanis puppets allow the user to enter a world of imagination and fun. As a young 65 year old I am keeping this one for myself and he will be accompanying me this weekend to meet St George, I know who will win this time! Weiterlesen
Scritto da: C. Douglas
Good Quality
My husband loves this company's puppets. They are well made and fit an adult male hand. He has 2 large totes of puppets that he and my son-in-law use for VBS. He buys 1 new 1 every year. I'm not sure who enjoys them the most. The kids in the audience or the kid's behind the stage. Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Mom of 3 BONKERS Muppets
It has moveable wings
My son begged for this for his birthday. He loves it- except he doesn’t use it/ I think he wanted it so I would do the voices and entertain him with it while he either runs away, attacks it or pretends to be it’s twin. It’s hilarious and so sweet. We also use it for social skills and social stories. Well made - we are hard core folkmanis lovers in our house. These are the dolls I refuse to donate or get rid of ???? Weiterlesen

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