DC Comics 8547 Star Trek Andorian Bobblehead BH Pick And Mix Figure




Aggiungere alla vostra collezione. sacco di bobblin 'azione. futuristico, molto retrò bobblehead.

EAN: 0830395085470

Categorie Action figure,

Aggiungere alla vostra collezione. sacco di bobblin 'azione. futuristico, molto retrò bobblehead.


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Scritto da: Wilbert N. Lee
Out of this world
I have a friend who was an actor who played an Andorian. Unfortunately I could get this for his Birthday but I'll give it to him for Christmas. This so fantastic,
Scritto da: Amazon Kunde
Hier macht man nichts verkehrt
Ein toller Andorianer. Die Figur weicht nicht von den eingestellten Fotos ab, also glücklicherweise kein Überraschungspaket.
Scritto da: gregory hawke
Five Stars
I love all of the wobblers, They are well detailed and well designed attracted specimens, really!!!! g.hawke
Scritto da: W. Smith
Star Trek bobbleheads
I bought them all when they were around 10 bucks each. If you're a collector you have to wonder what this will be worth in the future. The Spock bobblehead is worth over 40 bucks now (and climbing)
Scritto da: SomeGirlSomewhere
Cute little angry blue guy.
Love, love. Love! Love Star Trek! Love Andorians! Love this guy. Too cute. Seems well-made and sturdy.

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