Bandai Tamashii Nations Robot Spirits Shining Gundam G Gundam Figura




Rivivi l'azione dell'anime semplicemente passando dalla modalità normale alla modalità super; Non ci sarebbe l'abilità di Shining Gundam Shining Finger, cosa possibile con uno speciale accessorio per la mano intercambiabile; Il set include anche spade a raggio duro (x2), mani intercambiabili (x4) e una per la super trasformazione. Questo prodotto con licenza è testato e spedito esclusivamente da rivenditori Bandai autorizzati all'interno e per i mercati americano e canadese per la sicurezza e in conformità con tutte le normative statunitensi. norme sulla sicurezza dei prodotti di consumo; supporto al supporto del prodotto

EAN: 0787799023129

Categorie Action figure,

Testato in conformità con tutte le normative nordamericane sulla sicurezza dei prodotti di consumo per la sicurezza e la protezione; supporto al supporto del prodotto. Questo prodotto concesso in licenza è distribuito e consegnato esclusivamente da rivenditori e rivenditori Bandai autorizzati per i mercati americano e canadese. Il set include anche feroci spade a raggi (x2), mani intercambiabili (x4) e pezzi per la trasformazione in modalità super. Non sarebbe Shining Gundam senza l'abilità di Shining Finger, possibile con uno speciale accessorio laterale intercambiabile. Per ottenere facilmente l'azione dell'anime convertendo dalla modalità normale alla modalità super.
Altersempfehlung des Herstellers ‎Ab 15 Jahren
Anzahl Spieler ‎1
Anzahl Teile ‎1
Artikelgewicht ‎160 g
Auslaufartikel (Produktion durch Hersteller eingestellt) ‎Nein
Batterien inbegriffen ‎Nein
Batterien notwendig ‎Nein
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung 4,4 4,4 von 5 Sternen 80 Sternebewertungen 4,4 von 5 Sternen
Farbe ‎Mehrfarbig
Fernsteuerung enthalten ‎Nein
Im Angebot von seit 1. Dezember 2014
Material ‎Kunststoff
Modell ‎BAN94284
Modellnummer ‎BAN94284
Produktabmessungen ‎6,35 x 11,43 x 13,97 cm; 160 Gramm
Sprache: ‎Englisch
Zusammenbau nötig ‎Nein


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Scritto da: Trebor1983
... as i thought it was going to be but love it
Not as big as i thought it was going to be but love it anywayWeiterlesen
Scritto da: Stier
Scritto da: Mike P
I always thought that particular scene was bad ass, and even though I don't have a ...
The fist thing I did when I got this was find a particular scene from the show that was really memorable for me, where Domon is in Shinjuku City fighting the Dark Army, and he stabs one of them through a building behind him and into its head with one of his beam swords. I always thought that particular scene was bad ass, and even though I don't have a building or a Dark Army gundam, I think I replicated the pose almost perfectly. This figure awesome, it basically has the same rage of motion as if someone were actually piloting it, with the only restrictions being the Gundam's own bulk. Like most people, I seem to have the same problem with the leg joints being too loose, so it tends to want to do the splits and not keep its legs where you put them, this is annoying at times but not a huge deal overall. The pictures make it look kind of huge, but its 5.25 inches from foot to top of the antenna. I knew what I was getting into, but no one seemed to have an exact size. Now if only the Burning Gundam figure wasn't so expensive.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Amazon Customer
It's pretty cool. Didn't really like it at first
It's pretty cool. Didn't really like it at first, but it grew on me. Slightly bigger than a high grade gunpla.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Mark Breton
and great accessories for posing it
Along with the Master Gundam, this is the most anime accurate and articulated figure I have from the Robot Damashii line. Extremely well made, solid posing and build, and great accessories for posing it.Weiterlesen

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