Bambola supereroe da 63,5 cm, ragazza nera, stile ventriloquo

Brand:Silly Puppets



Descrizione del prodotto La nostra nuova bambola a corpo intero in qualità ad alte prestazioni, in stile bambola da ventriloquo, presenta una bocca incredibilmente facile da muovere. Sono inoltre dotati di una barra di controllo del braccio in metallo. Per chiunque non abbia idea di cosa significhi (non preoccuparti, molte persone lo chiedono!) l'asta è una sottile asta di metallo che può essere facilmente attaccata a entrambe le mani. Ecco come funzionano i pupazzi dei Muppet e di Sesame Street. Basta inserire la mano nella fessura sul retro della bambola per azionare la bocca. Aprendo e chiudendo la mano la bocca della bambola si muove. I corpi sono riempiti di polyfill e sono morbidi, il che li rende leggeri. pesano circa 0,5 kg. Queste bambole sono molto resistenti e sono fatte per durare tutta la vita. La bambola viene fornita completa come nella foto (l'abbigliamento può variare leggermente a causa della disponibilità del tessuto). I vestiti di questa bambola non sono rimovibili, solo mantello e maschera. I nostri nuovi burattini da 63,5 cm sono altamente raccomandati sia per i principianti che per i burattinai esperti. La bocca è così facile da spostare e non ti farà male alla mano, rendendoli perfetti per il ministero delle marionette, spettacoli scolastici, spettacoli di talenti, teatro, terapia, divertimento pulito a casa e molto altro ancora. provateli e vi promettiamo che non rimarrete delusi. consigliato per bambini dai 5 anni in su. I bambini di età inferiore a questa età apprezzerebbero che un adulto o un bambino più grande operassero e facessero lo spettacolo per loro.

EAN: 0851527007146

Categorie Pupazzetti,

Il mantello e la maschera sono rimovibili, il body no. l'altezza è di ca. peso ridotto di poco più di 0,5 kg. Include 1 barra di controllo del braccio che può essere attaccata a ciascuna mano per consentire il movimento. bocca facile da muovere. ingresso manuale attraverso il retro della marionetta. Burattino a corpo intero di alta qualità in stile ventriloquo di Silly Puppets.
Altersempfehlung des Herstellers ‎Ab 7 Jahren
Anzahl Teile ‎1
Artikelgewicht 454 Gramm
Artikelgewicht ‎454 g
Batterien inbegriffen ‎Nein
Batterien notwendig ‎Nein
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung 4,9 4,9 von 5 Sternen 27 Sternebewertungen 4,9 von 5 Sternen
Herstellerreferenz ‎SP2905B
Im Angebot von seit 8. Mai 2022
Marke Silly Puppets
Material Metall
Material ‎Metall
UPC 851527007146
Verpackungsabmessungen ‎31,75 x 18,29 x 14,99 cm; 453,59 Gramm


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Scritto da: MissC
Awesome Details!
This puppet is amazing! My go to for all those girls with low self-esteem.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: alMember
Fun entertainment for the entire family
Loved it! A Christmas gift and an impromptu Little play we got as soon as this was unwrappedWeiterlesen
Scritto da: Lendyman
A well made and just fun to use puppet!
Die Medien konnten nicht geladen werden. When I was growing up, I loved puppets. We had a few hand puppets that my siblings and I would use to put on puppet shows. When I saw the Amazon listing for this brown skinned Superheroine themed puppet from Silly Puppets, I was instantly enamored with it. I took a chance and got both the girl and boy versions so there would be one for both of my kids. From my experience, a lot of inexpensive hand puppets tend to have poorly articulated mouths. Either the mouths poorly hinged and difficult to operate, or the hand pockets for operating the mouths are poorly spaced for comfortable hand placement. These aren’t exactly inexpensive puppets, so I’d expect them to be good quality, but the question still was how good these would end up being. I did a little research on the manufacturer of this puppet, Silly Puppets. They’re an American company that manufactures their puppets in China though their website state that they have high quality control standards. They make puppets of numerous different styles including glove style, full body (ventriloquist style) and stage style half body puppets with removable legs. They also have custom puppet design services. The puppet reviewed here is a full body ventriloquist style puppet. When ordered from Amazon, the puppet comes in a plain plastic bag with just a silver colored metal rod for operating one of the hands. The rod has a tight hook on it that crimps over the puppet’s hand and thus allows you to make hand motions by moving the rod. The puppet also has removable wrist cuffs, cape, and eye mask. The clothing on the puppet is not removable (that includes the skirt), but presumably, you could redress her if you found the right sized doll clothing. It was obvious from the first look that this is a well made puppet with the intent that this puppet be used as a real puppet instead as a general kid’s toy. The Silly Puppet website’s claims of quality standards are proven true in what I received. Not only is the puppet clearly well made with durable fabrics, but there’s certain attention to detail shown in the design and manufacture that put it well above the toy level of puppet. Seams in the fabric are placed such to minimize their appearance while being performed, the mouth is attractively designed with the classic tonsils and tongue and the face is even with all features aesthetically placed. Nothing on the puppet is uneven or poorly stitched. I really like the yarn hair with this superheroine. It’s a really nice touch to add those 5 color yarn pieces to give her hair an accent and the stars on the eye mask are an extra touch. Plus, she just has that friendly cheerful look you expect from a puppet of this style. She makes you WANT to interact with her! In use, the hand slit in the back is wide enough to accept even large hands like my own, but snug enough to that kids could use it without it slipping off their arms. The hand pockets and mouth are absolutely spot on. The hand pockets are nice and tight without being uncomfortable and the mouth articulates easily, making even more subtle talking movements a breeze. Use of the rod for movement of the hand pretty good. The arms are stuffed, but still are pretty limber overall. If I were to make any suggestion it would be to paint the rod black so it’s less obvious if used in a stage setting. Bottom Line: I really like this puppet. She’s well made, fun to operate and had loads of character. My kids are both getting one for Christmas and given my reaction to how cool they are, I’m certain the reaction is going to be well worth it. I see kid staged puppet shows in my future!Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Sandor Clegane
Amazing Puppet for Shows at a Fraction of Most Prices
Finally, a beautiful puppet that can actually be used by grown-ups and kids alike. My Wife and I really love everything from the SIlly Puppets brand. Our Daughter loves playing with them with us, for fun little stories and adventures. This is actually our fourth superhero puppet. We have three of the smaller ones, plus this larger one. It actually looks identical to a smaller handheld puppet we got not long ago. So our Little Girl lovingly calls her the "big sister." It's adorable, the outfit is cute. It's bigger, which means you can do puppet shows even for a group of kids, and they can see it just fine. The hand area to move the mouth is sized just right. A toddler can use it with no problems. And a grown-up like me or my Wife can do the same. Everything that Silly Puppets makes is high quality. This particular puppet is no exception. We're glad we got it, our Daughter is thrilled she got it. And I'm pretty sure you'll put a smile on a child's face if you get them this same cute puppet.Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Oran Belgrave877888
Move over Superman. Super Chick is here now.
Move over Superman. Super Chick is here now. 25" Superhero, Black Girl, Full Body, Ventriloquist Style Puppet. This is a real cool sister, and she doesn't mind if you get her back. In fact if you put your arm in the back you can put your hand in her head to move her mouth to say and do just about anything you want. She comes with a rod that you can put on either hand to move and make gestures. Another thing I like about this super chick superhero is she has a removable Cape that if left on it can hide your arm, so that your audience does not get alarmed. OZWeiterlesen

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