Attraverso i secoli - una nuova storia di civiltà - gioco da tavolo inglese

Brand:Czech Games



DESCRIZIONI DEL PRODOTTO Questa è la tua occasione per fare la storia: inizi con una piccola tribù e la volontà di costruire una grande civiltà. Espandi le tue fattorie e miniere per estrarre le risorse per costruire le tue città. Ciò pone le basi per progressi tecnologici, governi migliori e grandi miracoli. Scegli leader saggi la cui eredità porterà il tuo popolo alla grandezza. Rafforza il tuo esercito per proteggere i tuoi confini ed espandere il tuo territorio. E modella la storia con le tue capacità politiche Un'economia forte, tecnologia avanzata, cittadini felici, governo illuminato, un esercito forte: la tua civiltà deve avere successo in molti settori. Potresti eccellere in alcuni, ma non dovresti rimanere indietro in altri. Adatta la tua strategia alle possibilità offerte dal gioco. I tuoi rivali cercheranno il vantaggio attraverso guerre e politica, quindi mantieni alte le difese. Ma non trascurare le cose belle della vita, perché vince la civiltà con la cultura più influente.

EAN: -

Categorie Giochi di società,

Tempo di riproduzione: 120 minuti+. produttore dell'edizione ceca del gioco. 2-4 giocatori.
Altersempfehlung des Herstellers ‎Ab 14 Jahren
Amazon Bestseller-Rang Nr. 386.025 in Spielzeug (Siehe Top 100 in Spielzeug) Nr. 12.897 in Brettspiele (Spielzeug)
Anzahl der Player 2-4 Players
Anzahl Spieler ‎2-4 Players
Artikelgewicht ‎1,7 Kilograms
Auslaufartikel (Produktion durch Hersteller eingestellt) ‎Nein
Batterien inbegriffen ‎Nein
Batterien notwendig ‎Nein
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung 4,7 4,7 von 5 Sternen 267 Sternebewertungen 4,7 von 5 Sternen
Farbe ‎Mehrfarbig
Fernsteuerung enthalten ‎Nein
Genre Aktion & Geschicklichkeit
Im Angebot von seit 20. November 2015
Lernziel ‎Not available
Marke Czech Games
Material Kunststoff
Material ‎Kunststoff
Modell ‎CGE00032
Modellnummer ‎CGE00032
Produktabmessungen ‎37 x 7 x 26 cm; 1,7 Kilogramm
Thema Form
Zusammenbau nötig ‎Nein


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Scritto da: aldousnow89
Amazing game which requires "Ages" to play it
Lovely game. Just make sure you are willing to spend 4 hours on it each time you open the box. If you are a hardcore gamer, by all means buy it. If you are a casual board game player, you are probably better of buying something like 7 wonders. Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Johannes
Bestes Spiel aller Zeiten
Ich kaufe nie etwas Besseres, brauche nicht mehr zu sagen Weiterlesen
Scritto da: mailter
Perfect game Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Chethan Mohan Kumar
Complex and great ????
The game was delivered with all its content. Handbook and code of laws in English. These are very important since the game has complex rules and one might want the rules lying around to refer to them during the first few games. I generally feel the population and resource pool marking could be better. Sometimes the cubes might get Displaced resulting in some chaos. The game is worth all the initial efforts of understanding the rules. Recommend for sure. Weiterlesen
Scritto da: budark
Sin comentarios
Una obra de arte!!, no apto para jugadores pro risk. Esto es un juego que lo tiene todo: gestión de recursos, colocación de trabajadores, eventos, batallas, alianzas, evolución... un juego para empezar después de una buena comida y acabar pidiendo cena. No hay una partida igual. Puedes pretender buscar la mejor combinación de acciones junto con líderes, edificios y demás, pero, al tener la aleatoriedad de la casa de subasta de cartas, tienes que acoplarte a cada partida. No siempre vas a tener al gran Genghis Khan para dominar al resto de jugadores a base de palos, a veces te tocará defenderte de jugadores agresivos y buscar otras condiciones de victoria. un 10! Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Amazon Customer
Fantastic strategic game!
Fantastic strategic game with very good instructions that make it very enjoyable to play while learning the game. Love it! Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Ada
Studiare bene le regole e iniziare a giocare da subito anche senza conoscerle tutte
Ottimo gioco ma complicato inizialmente Weiterlesen
Scritto da: MeiserLamm
Grandioso Juego
si te gustan los juegos de mesa, en especial los de estrategia, te recomiendo ampliamente este juego, eso si, de preferencia a personas ya familiarizadas con este tipo de juegos ya que el juego si te toma más de 2 horas y se suele poner agresivo y un jugador no experimentado se puede quedar atrás fácilmente si se descuida en cuanto a lo militar o en algún error retrasarse varios turnos por no tener una buena percepción de la partida. Weiterlesen
Scritto da: Robbie Miles
Best boardgame I've ever played, love the complexity!
Found out about this game through boardgamegeek, where it's rated #2 on their top 100 list, and on top of that it's rated 8.73 by users, which is the highest rating of games with over 5k voters in the world, I've bought other games based off the ratings of that site because it's an excellent way to find out about new great games & this one definitely doesn't disappoint, now Amazon has it for 50$, which is an absolute steal. After setting it up it was obvious it would be quite the project to learn by reading the directions, it would be much easier if you had someone to walk you through it who knew what they were doing. First we tried just learning by reading the directions but that became a bit overwhelming and we weren't quite sure if we were understood things correctly, the two books it comes with are pretty complex. For anyone who is learning about the game I would HIGHLY suggest playing on the website boardgaming-online, it's free to play and although the interface is pretty "microsoft-painty" and looks pretty cheap, the concepts in the online version all work, I would get a friend and sit down and open a few browser windows and sign in to each as one person and play back and forth that way first. That way you don't have to worry about if you're getting it right or not, it makes it MUCH easier to learn because the website lists what you CAN do every turn and handles all the sequential steps on its own which is one of the most difficult aspects to learn on your own, you can read the directions on some of the more advanced concepts while you go and it makes much more sense, once we played through a few of the online games it made understanding the game & the rules so much more simple, highly recommend the online game 1-2 times through to get a hang of the concepts, I guarantee it'll make learning the game much less daunting. This game plays fantastic, I love the turn sequencing, the strategy & the variety of "routes" you can take, makes the replay value much higher, it's quite impressive what they've managed to pack into this game. A lot of concepts in the game similar to that of Castles of Burgundy in that you get "x" amount of moves per turn and you're trying to maximize the "points" you get by those, they're definitely very similar, I've been playing a lot of the popular highly rated games and find this to be my favorite so far, probably replacing Castles, and I do love that game, if you like that.. you'll definitely love this. I like that this game favors strategy > luck, there's definitely a lot to analyze, so if you're sitting down to play with players who tend to go slow on their turns you'll want to make sure everyone has several hours to dedicate to finishing the game in one sitting. I've included a picture that shows the game all setup and actually being played, one thing that is definitely worth noting is just how much space it takes up on a table, for those of you who have a surface in mind that you're planning on playing on you'll want to make sure that it's big enough, the table in my picture is 55" x 32" & you can see that just the 2 player setup on here is very tight. For anyone who is a lover of strategy games and knows people who do too, this is an absolute necessity to add to your collection! Weiterlesen

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